martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

Chilean GDP drops 4.5%

The number released today by the Chilean central bank is, according to analysts, the biggest plunge in Chilean economy. Somehow, Finance minister Andrés Velasco is happy with the result.

The origin of this crisis is the chain reaction of the American crisis started in September 2008 with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers investment group. After almost one year of different economies falling, the worldwide crisis hits us big. As an effect of the low demand on the export market, our production has been contracting to this point.

The minister claims that our strong economy during this last years gave as a good and firm position to receive this crisis. So he feels confident and hopeful about our soon recovery.

As a recovery plan, the government is bringing back to our country 4 billion dollars from our savings in Swizz banks. The idea is to introduce this money into our banking system to low down the prices of loans. That way, the economy should be reactivated.

Hypnotize anyone in three simple steps.

First, go to a drug dealer and get some Burundanga (scopolamine). Second, put it in someone’s drink. Third, enjoy the most obedient slave for a few hours. Now a day, this is a growing praxis being used to rob with out any opposition.

Imagine you are in a nice party in Central America, having the time of your life and a good-looking woman approaches to you. Nice, now you are drinking something together, then you go dancing, then you are giving her you wallet, after that your credit card number and car keys. Next day, like many others, you wake up remembering nothing about last night, except that you don’t have your money, credit cards nor car keys.

What might happened in that case is that that pretty lady slipped some scopolamine on your drink, a.k.a. “Burundanga”. And yes, this drug hypnotize people that fast and that easy.

Burundanga can be isolated from a tree called Belladona that can be found in many Central and South American countries. It was discovered in 1881 by a German chemist. Today, this drug is used in both, medical and criminal applications. It s medically used is to avoid nauseas, intestinal cramping and treat other drug addictions. It must be prescribed.

Criminals, on the other hand, can use it for as much as there imagination suggests. If this drug is ingested, hits in less than one hour and the drunk-looking victim will loose any voluntary control of its action and him or her will obey the orders of people around but with not much motor skill. The drug can also be provided by skin contact, but unlike the urban myth says, the effects are too slow and too soft for the criminal’s purpose.

Anyway, it is a hard-to-find drug, and its use is really uncommon, specially outside Colombia, so don’t be to suspicious of every pretty woman that comes to you, it might be just you.
August 11 homework.


3) I think the article is very complete. It gives the hole context of an interesting fact ("90% of the dollar bills in the states are tainted with cocaine). I think there is not much else to say in an article like this because is just about that fact. Not about cocaine nor drug adiction, just that.

3.2) Not specially interested on the "Topic" but is an interesting article any way. What I try to say, is that the fact they work with and how it is exposed is very catchy but it doesn't go further that that.

who: Dollar bills
what: 90% of thjem are tained with cocaine.

when: Now a day
why: Any contact with cocain (including snorts) tain the bills.
where: The States.

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Exploding popularity of the Chilean Independent candidate.

(Just an english class assigment)

“13” mean good luck for Marco Enriquez Ominami.

The independent candidate feels confident with the 13 points on the MORI poll made during July. The countrywide poll puts him on third place on a first round, after Piñera with 43 and Frei with 21.

For being honest, Marco does not expect to get to the presidency on this election, but he is very positive about going to a second round. “My Boom has been already very encouraging” –he explains- “but not surprising”. He feels he is already making a difference and if in this election he doesn’t get the first place, the next one will be even more surprising.

He claims, about the complaining from the left wing, that he is not breaking but renewing the progressive political parties. And “every change hurts at first” is his response to the anger exposed by the old-timers of the governing Concertacion Coalition.

As a conclusion, Marco declares that is time for our country to regain the good political praxis that we had and that’s the reason for his fast-growing