martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Exploding popularity of the Chilean Independent candidate.

(Just an english class assigment)

“13” mean good luck for Marco Enriquez Ominami.

The independent candidate feels confident with the 13 points on the MORI poll made during July. The countrywide poll puts him on third place on a first round, after Piñera with 43 and Frei with 21.

For being honest, Marco does not expect to get to the presidency on this election, but he is very positive about going to a second round. “My Boom has been already very encouraging” –he explains- “but not surprising”. He feels he is already making a difference and if in this election he doesn’t get the first place, the next one will be even more surprising.

He claims, about the complaining from the left wing, that he is not breaking but renewing the progressive political parties. And “every change hurts at first” is his response to the anger exposed by the old-timers of the governing Concertacion Coalition.

As a conclusion, Marco declares that is time for our country to regain the good political praxis that we had and that’s the reason for his fast-growing

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